Hillside Landscaping Solutions That Regulate Soil Erosion And Promote Gardening

Gardening on a hillside is challenging because of the sloppiness of the area that promotes intense soil erosion. However, you don't have to forego having a garden just because your home is on a hillside. Below are effective hillside landscaping solutions that can help you regulate soil erosion and create a garden on your yard.

Retaining Walls

A retaining wall is a divider construction made of stone mostly, and it's used to retain soil behind it. For example, you can have a wall at the edge of a slope to hold soil and keep it from eroding and getting washed off further down the slope. As a result, your backyard will not reside further because of soil erosion, and the wall will aid in maintaining the structure and design of your yard.

Also, retaining wall elevates the ground and creates a favourable area for gardening because it promotes good soil drainage in that area. Construction of a retaining wall may require professional redesigning of your outdoors or backyard. It's advisable to hire a landscaping contractor to create a plan and build an ideal retaining wall for your backyard.

Use of Woody Plants

Woody plants with a dense root network that also runs deep into the soil are the best plants for regulating soil erosion on a hillside. Remember that the soil on your sloppy yard is layered, which is one of the reasons why when it rains, the soil sloughs off. This movement can wash down weak plants and weaken the ones that are not washed off. Deep-rooted trees withstand the pressure easily and also bind together the underlying layers of soil and prevent the sloughing off of soil layers.  

Visit a plant supplies professional who can advise you on the best type of woody plants, preferably trees, you should plant. If you're advised by a professional, you will also know the best species of trees that are hardy and can thrive in the climate and soil type in your area.

Hillside Terracing

Terraces are flat areas made on a slope and create mini-gardens along the slope. Terracing cuts off the mechanism of soil erosion on a slope, and the mini-gardens created retain ample water because the rate of runoff is reduced. Also, nutrients in the soil are not washed off the surface because the flow of water down the hill is cut off. As a result, the terraces become great mini-gardens for you.

Terraces are constructed in segments and firm materials, such as stones and railroad ties are used to support the end of the terrace. Building materials, such as bricks are also a great choice. However, if you opt to use wood, choose weather resistant wood. Also, it's critical to have the wood treated so that you can keep off termites and other destructive organisms. Remember that it's best to hire a professional landscape contractor to guide you through the process or construct the terraces for you.

About Me

Imagine Your New Landscaping: Ideas, Inspiration and Imagination

For years I have been doing my own landscaping and advising my friends on theirs. In our circle, I have become known as the go-to-person for anyone who wants to creatively re-imagine their yard or even simply clean up their garden so they can sell their home. I love landscaping and truly believe you can create almost anything you like for your space. Whether you want it to feel relaxing, new age, tropical, lush, exciting or almost any other adjective, you can create that with the right tools and ideas. If you are looking for inspiration, take a look around my blog. If you find the ideas and inspiration you need, please share my posts.