Designing Your Yard? How To Use Landscaping To Provide Erosion Control

If you're landscaping your property, you need to include plans to control soil erosion. You might not realise this, but soil erosion is a serious problem, especially in the burn zones around Australia. With so much of the land destroyed by bushfires, the soil is at an increased risk for erosion. That's where landscape plans and erosion control comes into the picture. With careful planning, you can use your landscaping to help control soil erosion. If you're not sure how to use your landscaping for soil erosion control, here are four steps to help you get started. 

Avoid Bare Pathways

If you've added garden pathways to your landscape design and you've decided to utilise bare soil, you should rethink that decision. Bare soil is more susceptible to erosion, which means your pathway will be at risk for soil damage. To avoid that, cover the surface of your pathways with mulch, gravel, or moss. For the edging, use bricks, rocks, or wood strips. This will contain the pathway and prevent erosion. 

Rise to the Occasion

If your property consists of flat land and you want to reduce the risk of soil erosion, add some depth to the landscape. One way to do that is to create rises throughout the property. Once you've created the rises, use the space as islands for vegetation. Cover the surface with natural mulch, or gravel, to increase water absorption. 

Plant Windbreaks

If you live in an area of Australia that experiences frequent windstorms, you need to be concerned about soil erosion. High winds increase the risks associated with soil erosion. Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do to stop the wind. However, there is something you can do to protect your property against wind-related soil erosion. You can create natural windbreaks throughout your yard. The best way to do that is to include trees in your landscape designs. Trees can be used to create a natural windbreak throughout your yard. You can also include tall shrubs to enhance the effectiveness of your windbreak. 

Plan for Runoff

If you're designing your landscaping with a focus on soil erosion, don't forget to plan for runoff. Torrential rains can wreak havoc, especially where soil erosion is concerned. Luckily, there are ways to incorporate runoff protection into your landscape designs. One way is to use rock to create free-flowing dry streams that can act as pathways for rainwater. The dry streams will allow the water to flow through your yard without causing soil erosion. 

About Me

Imagine Your New Landscaping: Ideas, Inspiration and Imagination

For years I have been doing my own landscaping and advising my friends on theirs. In our circle, I have become known as the go-to-person for anyone who wants to creatively re-imagine their yard or even simply clean up their garden so they can sell their home. I love landscaping and truly believe you can create almost anything you like for your space. Whether you want it to feel relaxing, new age, tropical, lush, exciting or almost any other adjective, you can create that with the right tools and ideas. If you are looking for inspiration, take a look around my blog. If you find the ideas and inspiration you need, please share my posts.